Mic in the Wild: The Journey Behind Our Animals Sound FX Pack

Mic in the Wild: The Journey Behind Our Animals Sound FX Pack

Welcome to our behind-the-scenes look at how we created our up-and-coming Animals Sound FX Pack. Our intrepid sound designers, Titan and Callisto, took on the wild and the unexpected to bring the authentic sounds of nature right to your projects. From lions to house pets, here’s how it all went down.

Titan’s Perspective: A Wild Ride from Start to Finish

Creating this pack was a mix of work, adventure, and pure chaos. Straight off the heels of my wedding, it turned into an accidental honeymoon with my sister and her partner tagging along. We drove just a couple of hours from where I grew up, out into the untamed bush. How romantic!

We were working with an open-back vehicle, no staged events, and animals that could care less about our recording schedule. Every day was unpredictable; sometimes, it felt like the animals knew exactly when to stay quiet just to mess with us. 

A Symphony of Chaos and Luck

We learned pretty quickly that recording wildlife is a test of patience. Our first trip went completely sideways: I got heat stroke, stung by a bee, and, after all that, didn’t capture a single usable sound. 

Yeah, I felt the same way.

On another day, I was just a ruler’s length away from a lion and a cheetah, both eyeing our furry microphone windscreens - I was very worried they would mistake them for something to eat.

Some of our most unexpected recordings came from elusive creatures like hippos and wildebeests. Hippos, one of the deadliest animals in the world, made their presence known as they rushed silently through the water only to emerge right beside us. They’re deceptively fast, and getting their distinct grunts and splashes was a race against time. Recording them was terrifying.

Wildebeests, on the other hand, added an unexpected rhythm with their deep grunts and stomping hooves, creating a powerful sense of the savannah.

Sanctuaries and Sad Realities

Some of our best recordings came from sanctuaries, where rescued animals roam. It’s heartbreaking to hear their stories: lions rescued from all over the world, living out their days in safety but never truly free. We even encountered a Siberian tiger - a stark reminder of how mixed up our ideas of animal sounds are.

Fun fact: the roar you associate with lions in films is often actually a tiger’s roar.

(Callisto doing God's work.)

Back Home: Capturing the Familiar

Once we were back home, it was time to round out the pack with the everyday sounds of domestic animals. You’d be surprised how tricky it is to capture a perfect dog bark or a parrot whistle when you’re used to dodging lions and hippos. We spent time recording the more familiar creatures - dogs barking, cats purring, and even the squeaks of pet rats - to bring a sense of everyday life into the pack. These sounds were recorded right in our studios, a much calmer but equally detailed process compared to the wild trips.

(This is actually my cat - super photogenic. And clearly ferocious.)

The contrast between the raw wilderness and the quiet of an indoor studio gave us a full range of sounds that bring authenticity and variety to this pack. From exotic growls to the chirp of a bird on your windowsill, every sound has a place in this collection.

Funny enough, a pigeon flew into Callisto's house around this time and would not leave. It worked out nicely, though, because we were able to get some good recordings. 

(This bird pooped everywhere.)


This whole experience reminded me that capturing sound is as much about being in the right place at the right time as it is about skill. The lack of control made every usable sound we got feel like a little victory. From familiar domestic barks and chirps to the rare vocalizations of wild animals, every sound tells a story, and we’re excited to share them with you.

Thanks for being a part of this journey. I hope these sounds bring as much life to your projects as they brought to our wild adventures.

Look out for our Animals Sound FX Pack!

- Titan (Reece)


P.S. If this journey inspired you, consider supporting your local animal sanctuaries. Together, we can help ensure that the beautiful sounds of these creatures remain a living experience, not just a distant memory.

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